Rent your Christmas tree in Klaipeda

Rent your Christmas tree in Klaipeda

When a Christmas rush begins people start buying and decorating Christmas trees, but when all the celebrations are over poor trees are dumped in the rubbish or worse - end up in the streets.

But Klaipeda University botanic garden had offered an alternative: to rent a Christmas tree. And you can simply return it when Holidays are over.

Asta Klimienė, head of the botanic garden, said: “The idea just popped into our heads last year. We saw people buying cut down trees that are later decorated and afterwards thrown to trash. We all know how our city looks after the 6th of January: all those trees that brought us joy though the Christmas dumped everywhere, with no purpose. So last year we offered a new alternative for the city people: to rent a Christmas tree from our botanic garden.

She says more then hundred trees are already reserved at this moment and they are carefully put into separate small pots with some soil and that those trees are from 1.5 to 2 meters tall.

“Those are simple trees from our forest. You can rent one from 7 to 20 euro. You can also come to us and pick a tree. Then if the tree is brought back in good condition you can get half of your money back and we continue to take care of the tree while it grows.

Last year 95% of rented trees were brought back.

“The care for this kind of tree is minimal. Most important is not to put a tree too close to the heaters and spray some water on it once in a while. The botanic garden encourages ecological views towards our mother Earth therefore encourages responsibility. The same Christmas tree can be used several years and may bring joy to children in years to come. We noticed that people are not very happy and especially children when the time comes to get rid of a tree. That’s why we are offering to rent one and simply return it instead of getting rid of it after the Holidays.”

She said a smell of live Christmas tree inside brings some magic and is practical too. Live tree will not be shedding its spikes as a cut down would, so there will be no mess in your house. We also encourage people who had bought their tree in a pot to bring it back to us instead of throwing it away when the holidays are over. We want to preserve natural reassures of mother Earth with your help. And if people had rented a tree they really liked they can plant it in their own garden and redecorate it next year as well.

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